Custom CMS Development

manage and update the content efficiently!

Web Scaping Development

grab information from external web resources

Page Load Time Optimization

code minification, image optimization & more!

Android App Customization

spyware removal & more!

Website Development

corporate websites, applications, services & APIs

Website & web application testing

bug hunting, fuzzing & more!

Web Malware Removal

backdoor & any malicious code removal

Website Support Services

adding & editing pages, news & more!

Security Audit

vulnerability fixing: XSS, CSRF/XSRF & more!


audit & technical consulting services

Digital forensics

data recovery, investigation, legal evidence & more!

Password Recovery

from sites and installed software (legally!)


Alexander Nordelius

professional web developer

I am a 44-year-old professional web developer from Russia.

For more than 15 years now I have been creating secure websites and web services for all kinds of clients, from individuals and small companies, to high-profile corporations. Most of my clients are from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, USA and countries of eastern & western Europe.

All websites I develop are secure, search engine optimized, and built on a Content Management System (CMS) that enables my clients to edit and add their own content very easily.

I am passionate about web standards, security, performance, best practices, accessibility, web typography and user experience / usability.

I offer website support services, security audit, advanced page load time optimization and IT consulting services. I start working after there is a signed work contract.
Please, see full list of services.

Skills & experience

PHP, HTML5, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, CSS3, XHTML, Python, Sphinx, MySQL, SQLite, JSON, XML, Apache, Zepto.js, File API, LocalStorage, HAML, FatFree Framework, FFMpeg, Slim Framework, YQL, Facebook API, XPATH, Smarty, GD2, ImageMagick, MemCache(d), Github API, SASS, Skipfish, PHPCS, Redis, Canvas, Raphaël.js, cURL, Discogs API, Adobe Photoshop, YouTube API, jQuery Tools, Regular Expressions, CSS Sprites, jQueryUI, NConvert, Composer, MPTT, Bootstrap, LESS, Charles, Google APIs, ModRewrite, Underscore.js, Geolocation API, Git, Acunetix WVS, NetBeans, NodeJS, API, Exif, Mustache, Twig, Grunt, Ratchet, Google CSE, APC, jqGrid, PHPExcel, REST, JSONH, OAuth, Vimeo API, ZAP, WireShark, iCal.

Hobbies & interests

Music (production, mastering, scratch DJ-ing / turntablism), Photography (shooting, mastering), Biking (MTB, street tricks), Drone Racing (custom building, piloting), English language, DIY projects.

I'll be glad to work with you!

© 2011 Alexander Nordelius / VXS.